Two boys were playing in the snow one day when one said to the other, “Let us see who can make the straightest path in the snow.” His companion readily accepted the proposition, and they started.
One boy fixed his eyes on a tree, and walked along without taking his eyes off the object selected. The other boy also set his eyes on the tree, and, when he had gone a short distance, he turned, and looked back to see how true his course was. He went a little distance farther, and again turned to look over his steps. When they arrived at their stopping place, each halted and looked back. One path was true as an arrow, while the other ran in a zigzag course.
“How did you get your path so true?” asked the boy who had made the crooked steps.
“Why,” said the other boy, “I just set my eyes on the tree, and kept them there until I got to the end; you stopped and looked back and wandered out of your course.”
The writer to the Hebrews states, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12:1–2 NIV)
This author encourages us with practical and sound advice as we live for Jesus and try to stay “on course” like the boys in the example above. As we go about our day-to-day activities, our central focus has to be on “Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” His influence is the catalyst that keeps us, as His children, on track.
Through prayer, the influence of the scriptures and progressive growth, we grow in the likeness of our Saviour. Like this writer says, we must be patient. Patient with ourselves, patient with others and patient with God. Encouragement plays a large role to keep us focused as we encourage one another. We can look to the people of our past and present as we inspire each other to stay on track. Examples, in both victories and struggles, give us a realistic prospective as to how others have lived the Faith. The things that tend to drag us down we can, by faith, release to Jesus. Ask Him to help us “run the race” with less negative baggage. We start the journey with Jesus and we will end the journey with Jesus. He is with us all the way. Daily, He is writing a wonderful story through the pages of our lives.
My friends, keep safe, keep focused and keep in the love of Jesus. He is with you. He will sustain you and He will help you through whatever you are dealing with. “Fix your "eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Keep looking up!
God bless you. Have a great day – Pastor Ralph